Rear Suspension Squeak




  • Flying Spares Help Centre

    To be honest it could be coming from the rear hydraulic rams, rear springs, rear shocks, anti-roll bar, compliance cushions, main subframe mounts.......even the rear calipers or the jack in the boot!

    You will need to attempt to identify its location by giving everywhere a good spraying with WD40. Does the squeak occur at particular times - like when you go over bumps or when the car is stationary?

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  • Customer Question

    Oh dear, everything squeaks then! It is certainly low down, and a heavy squeak, the shocks are new and height control valves rebuilt, I have heavily WD'd everything and removed the anti roll bar. I have been told it could be the shims at the base of the springs. 

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  • Flying Spares Help Centre

    It could well be the shims if the canvas seat that they sit in has deteriorated

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  • Customer Question

    I suggest: look carefully at the pivots for the rear trailing arms; black or rust-colored dust sometimes accompanies steel rubbing on steel (fretting) which is often the source of a squeak.
    Try to duplicate the sound when the Car is stationary, by pushing down at the rear perhaps. If you are able to generate the sound, look carefully to locate the source.

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  • Flying Spares Help Centre

    Good Morning Sir

    I Have spoken to one of our mechanics. And this is what he has recommended.

    Check all suspension bushings for damage/play, check dampers/hcv rams for leaks and over travel. also the restrictor valves can stick, so clean may need cleaning out.

    Many thanks

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